Beautiful Anarchy

Okay, so the last two days have been spent driving back to the house.  It’s about seven weeks since we were last here.  It was as things were beginning to recover from the unusually cold winter.

Now, they have recovered –

Oh boy have they recovered

Semi chaotic but actually really rather lovely, I don’t think I’ll do too much with this for the time being.

Well, I will get back to Peter and his dreadful deeds in the next couple of days but in the meantime, the garden needs me!!!!




Poppies, I sowed some field poppy seeds two years ago and they have naturalised beautifully and now are popping up everywhere.


Filed under thought for the day (or the week or maybe even the year)

4 responses to “Beautiful Anarchy

  1. Love the blizzard of colours! I wish I had your green thumb! (sigh!)


    • It’s a continual battle here to get things to grow, wild being want to eat them, the sun wants to burn them up and the rain wants to drown them but every now and again it works and that lovely little corner of rockers is working this year – yee ha. I used to live in a part of UK that was incredibly fertile, it seemed that I just had to throw a seed on the ground and it would grow, it’s harder now but there we are. I’m glad you liked my picture.


  2. Hi, I’ve nominated you for the Reader Appreciation Award! 🙂

    The Reader Appreciation Award (an almighty thank you)


  3. Looks a bit wild, but sometimes there is a lot of beauty in the chaos of colours!


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